WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition

Tuesday | January 23, 2024 | 14:45-16:15

WiSe & YP Big Idea Pitch Competition:


Promote Innovation: Encourage participants to think creatively, identify real-world problems, and develop innovative solutions.
Nurture Entrepreneurship: Provide aspiring entrepreneurs with an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of industry experts and potential investors.
Networking: Facilitate meaningful connections between participants, mentors, investors, and established entrepreneurs.
Education: Offer workshops, seminars, and mentoring sessions to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to transform their ideas into viable businesses.

Expected Outcomes:

Identification of Promising Startups: We expect to identify and support several promising startups with innovative ideas that have the potential for long-term success.
Economic Impact: The competition will contribute to economic growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and potentially creating new job opportunities.
Knowledge Sharing: Participants and attendees will gain valuable insights from industry experts and mentors through workshops and seminars.
Investment Opportunities: Investors will have the chance to discover and invest in innovative startups.


Individual Entrepreneurs: Anyone with a groundbreaking idea is encouraged to participate. Researchers & Students: Aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators from educational institutions, IEEE Students, IEEE Graduate Students, IEEE Young Professionals, IEEE Members, Non-IEEE members, Industry representatives, and Academia representatives.

Competition Rules:

  1. The pitch will be a 4-minute oral presentation + 1 minute demo on the business idea based on the presenter’s research project(s).
    1. 4-minute oral pitch presentation: Maximum 7 slides including problem statement, solution, value proposition, business model, etc.
    2. 1-min demo: Either live or video.
  2. The teams can bring what they can carry into the venue.
  3. Each team can have a maximum of 2 participants.
  4. Eligible for students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals (defined as within 15 years from B.Sc. degree by the IEEE YP program).
  5. One-page proposal should be submitted on or before January 15 2024
    1. The proposal should include a project Title, the Problem, Solution(s), and Expected Outcomes.
  6. The judging and mentoring panel will consist of entrepreneurs and academic researchers.


We’re thrilled to announce 4 awards worth $150 USD each! Get ready to show off your skills and compete for the prize. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to showcase your talents and win big! 


Will be announced soon.


The competition is sponsored by Sensors Council WiSe and YP committees.


  • Kavya Dashora.webp
    Kavya Dashora

    Centre for Rural Development and Technology, IIT Delhi

  • seema vinayak_WiSE.JPG

    Defence Research and Development Organisation (Retired)

  • Untitled design - 2023-06-28T105151.924.png
    Mitradip Bhattacharjee

    Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, India